The 911 attacks was a terrorist attacks by the islamic terrorist group alqaeda on the united states . It started on the morning September 11,2001 The attacks killed over 2,000 and injured over 6,000 people and destroyed billions$ in property and infrastructure damage. Two planes were crah tours the twin towers which was worth $millions . One plane crash into pentagon , the fourth one was crash at Washington D.C. at the field and there target what they were trying to crash the plane at Washington white house which lucky non of the planes success to reach there target. This attack was plan 4 or 3 years before it happen for seven years the United states has been occupyingthe lands of Islam their more info was found on audio tape from a terrorist years after 911.

What I think about what happen was shocking that someone would do something like that taking over planes with people in there crashing to billions worth of property.
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