''Don't say it a dream it a plan''
What I made my quote to mean is to not think it a dream think of ways or ideas to get their.
If you want to come through what you want you to have a plan to get there. Everything take time so dont in first try just go through . If you dont like it it ain't for you. everyone has choices to make in your own life. If you do what you believe on you can accomplish something. It does not need be same like everyone else you can make it your own. If you try anything can happen who knows you may be something bigger. If you have an idea stick with it .
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Ear Nose Throat Doctor
Duties and responsibilities
An ear nose throat doctor is also known as otolaryngologist or other names.They responsible for specialize in the treatment of the ears, mouth, throat and nose they are beyond its focus on the respiratory system.
The average U.S. Physician salaries by specialty is $369,790 mostly depending how they work.
They can be pay higher like $400,295 this very depends on how good on you job.
You will need ear, nose and throat specialist education, and training and certification.
It not easy task to contain this job because you be in many years in school to apply for this job from mostly training.
Demand for this profession
You must complete about 15 years of education and training, including a 4 year undergraduate program, 4 years medical progam at least 5 years of specialty training.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy." David Bednar
Obedience is always the answer for this quote and from past ones I did.
To be remaining happy just stay happy.Being obedience is key to be happy just becoming obedience you be happy.To be happy is not something need to be patient with. You can express yourself to be anything you want. Depending on chooses you make in your life. Obedience is the central for this to be happy because feel good is impossible to do bad.
"Obedience is central to becoming, being, and remaining happy." David Bednar
Obedience is always the answer for this quote and from past ones I did.
To be remaining happy just stay happy.Being obedience is key to be happy just becoming obedience you be happy.To be happy is not something need to be patient with. You can express yourself to be anything you want. Depending on chooses you make in your life. Obedience is the central for this to be happy because feel good is impossible to do bad.
Friday, September 23, 2016
"choosing the right is always the right thing to do." Alex linares
Doing right thing is right to do impossible to be not. Choosing the right thing to do is always right thing to do always right chooses good things. It could also mean being a good person
being good is also being right thing. Do right thing it can continue you know you did good you okay and right with your life. I think the main reason he did this quote it to let people know doing right you be good person and you most chooses you do would be the right thing. There are many ways to do the right thing and always be right . Most people can do it if you cant you choose your path. It never bad thing to do something yourself thinks it right or others . In everyone time there going be decision to make. You will be always be prepared to choose you can do you want to do but right be better.
Duties and responsibilities
Dermatologist are physicians who treat conditions related to the skin. They also treat disorders
Related to the hair and nails.They are responsible skin care of their patience.
Dermatologist with the overall numbers of hours work they are one highest one paid for medical specialties.The dermatologist in united states is $283, with range of $100,000 to $500,000
To become an dermatologist you need bachelor’s degree . To go medical school also becoming medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine .
Demand for this profession
No because it my type of job and 4 years of 2 years degree I would maybe look for job im more require in.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
''What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player.''
My response for this quote I think this means of what it says but from
anything better what you are what you want to be. It is important to stay as yourself and not
become what people force you to be or you trying go ahead of what you already are.
If you want become something great it takes time and practice. You cant rush on everything
you might not like it ones your their. If you getting told to do something they want you do it
if you dont like it just bailed. Example if you become an basket ball player you very good at
it but you dont enjoy it just leave become what you want to be. If your at place you dont like
it daily place to be if you think it important and you use to then you may continue.Every one
have a choice to become something right or wrong you chose.
My response for this quote I think this means of what it says but from
anything better what you are what you want to be. It is important to stay as yourself and not
become what people force you to be or you trying go ahead of what you already are.
If you want become something great it takes time and practice. You cant rush on everything
you might not like it ones your their. If you getting told to do something they want you do it
if you dont like it just bailed. Example if you become an basket ball player you very good at
it but you dont enjoy it just leave become what you want to be. If your at place you dont like
it daily place to be if you think it important and you use to then you may continue.Every one
have a choice to become something right or wrong you chose.
john wooden
Police officer
Duties and responsibilities
The primary responsibility of a police to protect citizens from any danger. They are also responsible for responding 911 calls. To be always in search for investing crimes happening around them and making arrests.
A police officer annual pay $56,980 and hourly $27.4 . A known fact about an Police agent is a warranted law employee of a police force their formal name of the lowest police rank.
A entry level to become a police officer is having a high school diploma or equivalent to college degree. To become higher joining you can go at least one to two years of college coursework.
Demand for this profession
To become officer you need be trusted to join .To also be prepared for anything or remember from training for anything to happen.
No, it really depends for what i be assign to do how much i be paid for what i do.
Monday, September 19, 2016
''True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse.''
Becoming wealth with money you can buy everything and look rich but not
feel rich. You will need to do something good or something good to someone else
to know you did something to yourself. Your money cant do everything if you got
everything you wanted but you still wont feel wealth. For example if you are rich you
want to feel rich use that money on people in need of it by doing do you will have that
good feeling inside you. If you continue or help more you can feel rich . You dont need to
be rich to feel rich everyone can do it . Do good ,goods things might spread if not at least
you feel rich .
Becoming wealth with money you can buy everything and look rich but not
feel rich. You will need to do something good or something good to someone else
to know you did something to yourself. Your money cant do everything if you got
everything you wanted but you still wont feel wealth. For example if you are rich you
want to feel rich use that money on people in need of it by doing do you will have that
good feeling inside you. If you continue or help more you can feel rich . You dont need to
be rich to feel rich everyone can do it . Do good ,goods things might spread if not at least
you feel rich .
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities
A dental assistant perform a variety of patient care. Examine and treat patient.They make the patient as comfortable being their and get everything prepared for dentist to start the treatment.
Some dental assistant does the cleaning exrare on patient for dentist.
Dental assistant get pay for preparing the patient. The median pay annual for dental assistant is $34,500 . They get pay $16.59 hourly the enter level education is postsecondary non degree award.
education Requirements. There are no formal education requirements for entering a career in dental assisting. Some assistants have a high school diploma and only receive on-the-job training; however, postsecondary dental assisting offer programs more comprehensive career training.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
''You cannot do wrong and feel right.It is impossible."
What I think this quote means is doing the wrong thing cant be good thing.
For an example doing something wrong that affect wont be good thing so how can you
feel good. You can do wrong or something bad you can think you feel good but you know
you dont. Their also consequences from doing something wrong so for sure your going to
feel bad when it comes to you. Doing good, good things might comeback to you . If you do
bad or something wrong what do you think what going happen. If you get caught that it
you in trouble. If you dont get caught you still going have a feeling inside you that you know
it was wrong you want take it back. An other example you stole and item from store
you know it dosent belong to you and it will hurt someone because they are responsible
for it they can lose their job you wont fell good about that for a while.
What I think this quote means is doing the wrong thing cant be good thing.
For an example doing something wrong that affect wont be good thing so how can you
feel good. You can do wrong or something bad you can think you feel good but you know
you dont. Their also consequences from doing something wrong so for sure your going to
feel bad when it comes to you. Doing good, good things might comeback to you . If you do
bad or something wrong what do you think what going happen. If you get caught that it
you in trouble. If you dont get caught you still going have a feeling inside you that you know
it was wrong you want take it back. An other example you stole and item from store
you know it dosent belong to you and it will hurt someone because they are responsible
for it they can lose their job you wont fell good about that for a while.
Duties and responsibilities
A Dentist is taking care of their patients teeth.They examine the dental and oral health of patients.
Dentist diagnosing, treating and providing preventative and restorative care for problems that affect their patients mouth and teeth.
Average pay hourly is $71.79 and median pay $149,310. Dentist is also known for dental surgeon who specializes in dentisty.
Demand or need for this profession.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
''When I do good,
I feel good. Abraham Lincoln
When I do bad,
I feel bad.'''
When I do good I feel I did alright people may not notice but it feel good to do good.
When you do bad you may feel bad .Control mind over matter to chose what to do bad or good.Thought over mind and movement good things may happen tours if you do good and feel good. Example i thinking why Abraham Lincoln write or said quote after becoming president and freeing the slaves he felt good of doing. Do bad thing everything you have done cant be take back you may feel bad and regret. There are effects from doing bad if you cheat on test for an Example by copying someone that not even sure their were correct or when you need to learn something that you cheating your not going know what to do
I feel good. Abraham Lincoln
When I do bad,
I feel bad.'''
When I do good I feel I did alright people may not notice but it feel good to do good.
When you do bad you may feel bad .Control mind over matter to chose what to do bad or good.Thought over mind and movement good things may happen tours if you do good and feel good. Example i thinking why Abraham Lincoln write or said quote after becoming president and freeing the slaves he felt good of doing. Do bad thing everything you have done cant be take back you may feel bad and regret. There are effects from doing bad if you cheat on test for an Example by copying someone that not even sure their were correct or when you need to learn something that you cheating your not going know what to do
Duties and responsibilities
Chiropractor are responsible for operating in their jurisdictions,job requirements for the doctor are generally similier state from state.
Average payment $66,160 and average 31$ and hour.
It all depends on how they work and the effects from years of working from that job.
Bachelor of applied science 4 years
Demand for profession
Chiropractor required to complete doctorate degrees and pass licensing examinations administered by organizations such the national Board of chiropractic Examiners before they start treating patients.
Friday, September 9, 2016
'' The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have.''
What I think this quote mean is obedience is key to freedom. Freedom can be taking from you depending how you are. You chose the ways you do and some people cant never change the way you are. The more freedom we have the obedience we are and in control are actions . this quote is same then others quotes reflection I did explaining obedience can solve most things. What i mean about that is choices you make in present which can effect your future. Anything done now effect you later on. More bad choices you make can control your freedom from someone or yourself. Obedience is transfer to your freedom which you be depending on. Any one can fix your freedom it be easy just by doing self control.
'' The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have.''
What I think this quote mean is obedience is key to freedom. Freedom can be taking from you depending how you are. You chose the ways you do and some people cant never change the way you are. The more freedom we have the obedience we are and in control are actions . this quote is same then others quotes reflection I did explaining obedience can solve most things. What i mean about that is choices you make in present which can effect your future. Anything done now effect you later on. More bad choices you make can control your freedom from someone or yourself. Obedience is transfer to your freedom which you be depending on. Any one can fix your freedom it be easy just by doing self control.
Boyed K. Packer
911 Memorials
The 911 attacks was a terrorist attacks by the islamic terrorist group alqaeda on the united states . It started on the morning September 11,2001 The attacks killed over 2,000 and injured over 6,000 people and destroyed billions$ in property and infrastructure damage. Two planes were crah tours the twin towers which was worth $millions . One plane crash into pentagon , the fourth one was crash at Washington D.C. at the field and there target what they were trying to crash the plane at Washington white house which lucky non of the planes success to reach there target. This attack was plan 4 or 3 years before it happen for seven years the United states has been occupyingthe lands of Islam their more info was found on audio tape from a terrorist years after 911.
What I think about what happen was shocking that someone would do something like that taking over planes with people in there crashing to billions worth of property.
The 911 attacks was a terrorist attacks by the islamic terrorist group alqaeda on the united states . It started on the morning September 11,2001 The attacks killed over 2,000 and injured over 6,000 people and destroyed billions$ in property and infrastructure damage. Two planes were crah tours the twin towers which was worth $millions . One plane crash into pentagon , the fourth one was crash at Washington D.C. at the field and there target what they were trying to crash the plane at Washington white house which lucky non of the planes success to reach there target. This attack was plan 4 or 3 years before it happen for seven years the United states has been occupyingthe lands of Islam their more info was found on audio tape from a terrorist years after 911.

What I think about what happen was shocking that someone would do something like that taking over planes with people in there crashing to billions worth of property.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
What happen what i saw from the video was him and his friend put pile of leaves, roots,and grass then set on fire. They were excited yo do it but they didn't think it be bad idea because they needed to put away fire before it spread. So with no choice they need to call for help then they realize it was a bad idea. It is reason why he create the quote.
"Obedience is the great test of life." Thomas S. Monson
What i think this quote mean is same to meaning of saying the meaning of life. My guess is this quote means to learn from your surroundings or anything around you because we will need to discover more things. You should obey the way your life is and try work your way through.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
''education is the latch key to success in life.'' Gordon B.Hinckly
What I think what this quote mean it is education is key as important to learn . Learning new things can expand to more become intrest of subject. Anything you know now you wouldnt know without experince of somthing new. Stuff you see today wouldnt be made without learning . Getting career is education.''education is the key of life''
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Im a person in highschool im 14 i like to skatebord play video games spe
acial sleep i stay awake